Mosul liberated - charity edition: Woman in van signed and numbered print

Mosul liberated - charity edition: Woman in van signed and numbered print

DKK 1,900.00

This is a speciel charity edition print of my multiple award winning photo of a woman being helped away from the frontlines of Mosul in 2017 by Iraqi specialforces during the last days of the fighting against ISIS in the city. 

500 DKK or around $76 US from each print sold will be donated to the Danish Red Cross so this is an excellent opportunity to get a print and help a great cause at the same time. This series of prints are signed and numbered “Røde Kors 001” through “Røde Kors 150”.

The photo was chosen as 2017 Photo of the Year in Denmark, it won gold as a part of a series of images in Prix de la Photographie Paris - Px3, awarded a 3ed place at Sony World Photography Awards, won silver at Moscow International Foto Awards, 2nd place at Istanbul Photo Awards and won a 1st place at the International Photography Awards. 

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The price is for the print only. It will ship internationally through the Danish postal service for an additional charge depending on your choice of shipment method.

Size: 45 x 30 cm (17,42 x 11,81 in)
Printed on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Pearl 285g paper.

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