Displaced girl

Displaced girl

from DKK 450.00

A displaced girl helping her mother getting their fire going and baking bread in an IDP-camp outside Aden.

This is a shot from my award-winning story about the Yemen civil war and the the consequences for the civilian population. The story was published in several Danish newspapers in 2018. You can see a selection of photos from the story here.

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The price is for the print only. It will ship internationally through the Danish postal service for an additional charge depending on your choice of shipment method.

Several sizes available: 45 x 30 cm (17,42 x 11,81 in) and 21 x 29,5 cm (8,27 x 11,61 in)
Printed on Hahnemuhle Fine Art Pearl 285g paper.

 Yemen: FN har erklæret situationen i Yemen for verdens største humanitære katastrofe og vurderer, at 22 ud af landets 29 milioner indbyggerer har behov for nødhjælp. Kvinde på vej gennem en flygtningelejer nær Abs i det nordlige Yemen.

Woman in IDP Camp

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